How to work effectively with a difficult boss


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    Key Books

    The Gentle Art of Verbal Self-Defense

    Work Smart: The 250 Smart Moves Your Boss Already Knows

    Throwing the Elephant: Zen and the Art of Managing Up

    How Well Does Your Boss Communicate?

    "The results of a recent survey show that a majority of professionals across many industries rate their boss average to poor when it comes to communication skills...A whopping 91% of those surveyed said effective communication is “critical” to leadership, yet less than one third said that there were enough true voices of leadership in their organizations."

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    Comments: [add a comment]

    User: anonymous
    Date: 12/14/2007 6:17:00 AM

    No question about it: from the employee's perspective, you gotta know what the boss wants you to do, or what tone the boss wants to set. Here are some of my examples: 1) my boss comes in with half sentences that complete whatever she was thinking about, so I am never quite sure what the topic is. I've learned to question her - "what's the topic," I'll say. 2) she will ask you to do a task with which you are not familiar, but only provide partial instructions. When I question her, she gives the information so fast and with such arrogance (tone: boy, are you stupid) that it's tough for me to get it, so that makes me sheepish about asking again for clarification. 3)from experience I learned: she wants the world to see resolved issues, so she doesn't like to ask others for information; I gather and resolve issues by asking lots of people. Yeah, communication is key!

    User: anonymous
    Date: 10/21/2008 2:35:00 AM

    my boss seldom communicate with his staff, when there something necessary to order, he would rather let us guess, instead tell us directly, he is a reserved person, not less friendly.

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