How to work effectively with a difficult boss


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    Key Books

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    Eight sticky boss situations -

    If you're more excited that your boss is out sick with the flu than you are about your new raise, you're in good company.

    In workplaces throughout the country, difficult bosses are ruining morale and making life just downright unpleasant. Whether they refuse to give you time off or they expect you to be their mother, bad bosses can put you in an awkward position.

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    Comments: [add a comment]

    User: anonymous
    Date: 1/14/2008 10:57:00 AM

    If your boss is doing any of the things in this article, the probability that you'll be able to affect a change in his/her behavior is negligible. Rather than spinning your wheels in a bad situation, simple find yourself another job, either within the organization - more probably, elsewhere. Managers who exhibit these sorts of behaviors don't last long in good organizations. In organizations where they do, the entire organization is most likely toxic, so it's best to move on. Senoir managers understand that if their organization gets a reputation on the street, they will not be able to attract the most qualified employees.

    User: anonymous
    Date: 3/2/2008 2:42:00 PM

    Well said, and with much forethought. Yes, the solution is usually the more obvious, but many get caught up in the drama and politics, oftentimes seeking to fulfill the need to prove they're right, when it is simply a matter of maintaining a healthy work environment so that we may focus on the task at hand. If personal agendas become the priority, then it is time to cut ties and move on with life. Anything less is toxic and a dead end. If anyone is interested in making positive and real changes pertaining to workplace bullying, which simply put is an overt abuse of power and authority, then please channel your energies in a platform that promises to hold individuals and/or businesses accountable. Rally for the Healthy Workplace Bill.

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